Shit happened with love

I was in a situation. I felt trapped. I hated waking up every day to this. It really sucked. Sucked hard. And, I choose love. I remembered something that Marianne Williamson said from A Course In Miracles which led me to make a very conscious decision to shift my perspective. As long as I was here, I was going to show up. I was going to be the best version of myself. I was going to be …

When my self care got kinda funky

It’s been a week. A week of ups and downs and then some. What have I learned? Asking for what I need is still uncomfortable for me Asking for what I need makes me feel guilty sometimes I’m learning a new level of self-love and self-care Before anyone can become a game changer, they have to first learn to thrive on discomfort. Peyton Manning That quote really sums it up for me. I have had really uncomfortable feeling …

I made friends with my darkness

Being friends with he who shall not be named. He got to me. I felt like I was choking. I couldn’t find my center and I couldn’t breathe. The self-hate talk started almost immediately. I got knocked and rattled and he found a way in. I was listening, this time. I recently found myself in a challenging situation with someone.  This person used to be a friend and is no longer. I was triggered by this person, deeply. …

What to do when you don’t know what to do.

You don’t need more time in your day. You need to decide. Seth Godin Not knowing what to do when faced with a decision can be the worst feeling in the world. For me, it causes all kinds of stress in my body; my mind can’t stop racing, my heart feels heavy, I can’t eat or sleep, I can’t focus on anything, my chest feels tight, and so much more. I want to share how I was able …

I hate when I can’t find me.

I’ve been on a really intentional journey to find out who I am. Who am I? Why does it matter? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? These are the questions I’ve sat with for a long time. I want answers. And, I want them now. Patience is on my wish list. A really great teacher of Kundalini and one of the most magical souls I look up to, Sat Siri, told me once, …

The Peacock

His head held high, a truly majestic bird that owns the town He is the epitome of royalty; true class defined by his crown Glistening royal blue, spirited elegant green and hues of gold A breathtaking sight, truth be told. Lingering looks of admiration never cease to exist His feathers breathe a fire and valor; For he is hungry and ready to feast A mission, a desire, fuelled by passion; immobilized by fear The essence of his …

No money, more problems?

Yeah that’s right. I’m going in. Fully. Let’s talk about that thing we don’t always want to talk about. I’m talking about that icky thing we call money. Why Money? Well, I have come to realize that I have a shitty relationship with it. I want to be friends with money so bad, but I’m being that needy, desperate chick about it. I just want money to like me. Why won’t it like me? I know a …