This is 40…and I’m feelin’ it.

Sometimes I surprise myself. I turned forty this month, on the 1st, and I didn’t die.  In fact, I celebrated it and felt fabulous. I didn’t even cry, no, sirree! (Yes, I am that person who feels all the feels on my actual birthday and it usually leads to lots of tears one way or the other). On most birthdays I have felt very mortal and melancholy, yet, turning 40, no problem. Weird, hey? A brand new shiny, decade. Wowee. How …

Honey, Honey

This is the magical and wonderful story of how Honey came into our lives. But, in order to tell this story, we must go back. All the way back to the past 15 years with my first cat, Max. Oh, Max. He was a gentle soul. Since he was a kitten, he was terrified. He must have gone through a lot of trauma in the short eight weeks before we adopted him. The entire fifteen years he …

I’m Full

Months in waiting, The palpable anticipation, Of Their arrival Time mimicked that of a snail taking a stroll along a cobblestone road And then just as we’d hoped The time had come  The squeaks and embraces a plenty I’m full I’m home They’re home Immense joy In a blink of an eye It was but a dream  I still hear the laughter and scurries of little feet  Ghosts of what was An empty house Heart emptier still …

Patience is a pain in my virtue

I have found myself in a perfect storm. A perfect storm of big life changes that are currently in limbo. And, oh how poetic that right now in Vancouver we are encountering an actual storm? Maybe I should be writing a poem instead of a blog post with a tone that reads: mildly annoyed. I’ve been trying to lean into the waiting. Lean into the uncertainty and ambiguity. Each day that passes seems to create more fog …

A powerful coven of WITCHES.

So this is a story all about how I found a group of women with who I will forever want to do life. I want to capture what they mean to me and how I see them in this little post. It’s a post to honour, and convey my gratitude for them in my life. Before I met them, I felt like a lost little soul. I love my family, but like many of us, my childhood …

What’s your portal?

Stay with me here. I”m going somewhere with this, I promise. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been writing more consistently and I’ve been noticing how I’m feeling about myself. I feel different. Nothing else has really changed, except everything has changed. Yep, that’s confusing. Okay, so what I’m feeling is this unfamiliar sense of esteem. I feel secure in myself, which really surprises me. So, just because I’ve been writing more, somehow I feel better …

Motherhood: to be or not to be?

I am pretty terrified to share this experience with you, but I’m going to do it anyway.  This story goes back a long time ago. I was 23,  happily married, and I’d just found out I was pregnant. For those of you that know me, I don’t have particularly traditional values – I believe myself to be pretty progressive and open, and for some reason, I had unconsciously thought that my life would be, marriage, job, kids, …

The Holidays stand for REST.

I LOVE to rest. I love to DO NOTHING. In fact, I create blocks of DO NOTHING in my calendar on the regular! If it ain’t scheduled, it doesn’t happen! I want to teach a class on how to rest, because after this year, I think I’ve nailed it! I was discussing this topic with my two younger sisters who I’m often encouraging to rest more sans guilt. One is a mother of two little ones and …

I made it

The year of 2020. What a transformation, what a metamorphosis. Did I embrace everything as it came hurling itself toward me? HELL NO, but I definitely softened more than I ever have in my whole life and for that I’m deeming it a successful year. How did you get on? Did it feel like a roller coaster? Did you take it in stride, or were there multiple meltdowns? My opinion is that however we showed up, however …

The Turbulence of 2019

I admit, 2020 has felt rough, but for me personally, it was nothing compared to 2019 (now that’s saying something, eek!). Long story short, 2019 brought a lot of conflict in my life, a lot of self-sabotage, and an immense amount of suffering. I attempted to take my life, more than once, in fact almost every single month of that year. I remember vividly that once December came around there was that excitement of the holidays being …

How 2018 Went Down

The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place after watching them fall apart for so long. The quote above sums up 2018 for me. It is my most favorite year of being alive. There are a lot of wonderful things that have happened in years prior, but I have to say this past year I really felt like I came home to myself, which absolutely led to everything else falling into …